It's been a loooong time... + GarageBand stuff

Hello everyone! I'm back with a new post and I know it's been a looong time. If you follow me on YouTube and google plus, you would have noticed that I am uploading a few audio tracks lately. And I have been getting questions on what software I use and Yes I use GarageBand . I just love the application .I've been trying to teach myself audio editing in the past few days because I wanted to do something new. I tried some softwares like Ableton Live 9 and Adobe Audition which seemed way too complicated for beginners like me but after a long search for ideal softwares, I found GarageBand (apparently only for iOS) which is a very easy software to use. It's just great because i can actually create professional audio tracks within a short time easily (but it involves a lot of creativity and you have to make sure your track isn't total Cacophony). So hope you enjoyed reading this I know this was short , but still sweet. So stay tuned and bye!


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